At the Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC, MEAD), a one acre field phenotyping site features an automated cable suspended carrier system (Spidercam©, Austria) that holds multiple cameras and sensors (e.g., visible RGB, near infra-red, lidar, and multispectral), which can be accurately positioned over a small plot for sensing and plant imaging. The site is also equipped with advanced automated weather station, and a state of the art subsurface drip irrigation system for water and nutrients delivery and manipulations at plot level (15*20 ft2).

Suite of Expertise
A unique element that distinguishes the University of Nebraska–Lincoln from other public and private sector institutions investing in phenotyping platforms is our stellar history of canopy level image capture and analyses. UNL’s faculty from across the campus and its aligned Centers, including the Center for Plant Science Innovation, Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies (CALMIT), and National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), collectively offer a suite of expertise that greatly aid in addressing the Consortium of Integrated Translational Biology (CITB) mission.