The Beadle Center LemnaTec Scanalyzer HTS includes a growth chamber-sized system designed for short or small plants (e.g., arabidopsis and turf grass) or emerging seedlings of monocots and dicots.
Various parameters can be derived from the images that can be used to create a digital phenotypes and link them to plant morphological and biophysical traits such as leaf area, chlorophyll content, stem diameter, plant height / width, growth rate, biomass, internodal length, color, leaf rolling, and plant architecture.

Imaging Capabilities
- Visible RGB Camera (leaf area, growth rate)
- Fluorescence Camera (chlorophyll fluorescence, quantify senescence area)
- Infrared Camera (measure leaf temperature, relative transpiration rate)
- Near Infrared Camera (water status)
- HTS system can hold 6 trays of 18 plants each at one time
- One imaging run with 6 trays using RGB camera takes approximately 35 minutes
- One imaging run with 6 trays using 2 cameras takes approximately 1 hour 10 minutes
- Additional cameras mean additional time
Plant Growth
- Plants are grown in 18 pot trays in chambers at Beadle Greenhouse
- Plants are grown through landscape cloth to aid imaging
- All treatments are performed by researcher
- Each tray of plants is bar-coded
- Imaging can be performed at variable intervals
- Maximum plant height is approximately 3 inches
- 2 axis system moves cameras over plants
- Light source is mounted with camera for all cameras except visible