As part of the states only one Tier 1 Research University, we have wide variety of partners available for further collaboration with any sort of research you wish to perform.
Consortium for Integrated Translational Biology (CITB)
The mission of the Consortium for Integrated Translational Biology (CITB) is to create a transdisciplinary environment to address the genotype to phenotype gap in plant science through the development of integrative predictive models for the selection of valuable traits that address yield, protection of yield, and quality traits across plant species used for food, feed, industrial applications and landscape resource. The CITB is directed towards facilitating translation of innovations to the field.
Center for Plant Science Innovation
Plant scientists are among the faculty of at least seven departments and schools on Nebraska's City and East Campuses. A cornerstone of plant biology research is the Center for Plant Science Innovation (PSI) that links molecular plant sciences. PSI was founded as an interdisciplinary research and development, training, and mentoring program in the basic and translational plant sciences at UNL and provides research leadership to the national and international plant science community.
Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies (CALMIT)
Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies (CALMIT) is recognized as a center-of-excellence for education and research focused on Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems. The people and partners of CALMIT combine interdisciplinary expertise in advanced land management information technologies. CALMIT also maintains a field research facility at the Agricultural Research and Development Center.
CALMIT operates several remote sensing platforms including land vehicles, boats and aircraft. Hercules is the main land-based platform. Constructed from a donated Hagie agricultural sprayer, the platform is a 19,000 pound machine with 6 foot diameter tires, a 300 horse diesel engine, and a 40 foot boom. It is used to suspend an instrument package above a vegetation canopy. This provides a consistent method and stable platform to obtain data without spectral corruption caused by reflections and shadowing from close-in support structures.
Center for Biotechnology
The University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL) Center for Biotechnology provides state of the art technologies for research through core facilities, enriches the research environment at UNL through a weekly seminar series, provides training to faculty, students and staff through workshops and short courses and awards student fellowships and scholarships.
We offer core facilities for bioinformatics, flow cytometry, genomics, microscopy, plant transformation, and proteomics/metabolomics. The activities of the Center are supported by funds from the Nebraska Research Initiative and grants from NSF and NIH. We aim to provide services and training to enhance the research environment and research capabilities at the University of Nebraska and for local and regional businesses.
Plant Transformation Lab
Full service transformations for the model plant species, Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana benthamiana) and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is available upon request. Transformations are conducted using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocols. Clients outside the state of Nebraska will be required to obtain USDA/APHIS interstate movement permits for shipment of the transgenic events. We will advise customers and collaborators on how to obtain the necessary permits.
The University of Nebraska’s Plant Transformation Core Research Facility has the capacity to conduct transformations for the major commodities, including maize, soybean, sorghum and wheat. All transformations are conducted using Agrobacterium-mediated protocols. Transformations with commodities are carried out on a project agreement basis and custom quotes will be provided for each project.
Plant Physiology
Our research interest is in understanding plant adaptation to abiotic stress tolerance. Major efforts are on drought, salinity and flooding tolerance mechanisms in cereals such as rice, wheat and maize. We use whole plant physiology, functional genomics, biochemical and computational approaches to elucidate the mechanisms involved in plant adaptation to unfavorable environments. Our goal is to discover novel genes and genetic variants that be used to improve crop performance in sub-optimal growing conditions.
Visit the Crop Stress Genomics Lab (link coming soon)
Holland Computing Center
The Holland Computing Center (HCC) boasts the fastest resources in the state of Nebraska at two locations: the Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) at Omaha and the Schorr Center at UNL. Personnel based in each location assist users, engage students and researchers, and maintain systems. Crane checks in at 121 TeraFLOPS and is a Top500 Supercomputer. Red, serving the CMS project, stores over 4 petabytes of data. Tusker provides 256 GB of RAM per node for shared memory computing. HCC provides such services to researchers associated with any campus of the University of Nebraska system. Many are available in a shared manner for free, but dedicated (reserved) arrangements are also available for a modest price.
Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative
The Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative is a faculty-led initiative to develop research and educational opportunities in data science. The group has a commitment to conduct and coordinate data science research and training in the life sciences with a focus on the advancement of knowledge of genes, complex cell processes, and ecosystems. The QLSI will support the application of this knowledge toward sustainable food and improved health and well-being.
Water Lab
Part of the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food institute and Nebraska Water Center at the University of Nebraska, the Water Sciences Laboratory provides technical expertise and sophisticated analytical instrumentation for environmental and water related research. Specialized analyses are available for trace organics and stable isotopes, as well as more routine methods for measuring water quality.
Faculty, staff, and students have analyzed thousands of samples at the facility to support water sciences research since it was established in 1990. Specialized instrumentation are available for trace-level organic analyses and stable isotope mass spectrometry, as well as equipment used in more routine analyses of water quality. An experienced and highly-skilled staff ensure high quality results for water and environmental research.