USDA Grant & Capacity Project Reporting (NIFA - NRS)

Links and guidelines for USDA grants and capacity project reporting are provided below. Online help is also available within the USDA-NIFA system by clicking here.

USDA-NIFA Reporting System (NRS) Click here to access NRS portal
Project Initiation

NIFA projects are only considered active after submission and approval via a NRS Project Initiation.
Please contact Jen Fox for questions or assistance. Click here to access USDA-NIFA Report System (NRS) portal.

Annual Project Reporting

Annual Capacity Project reporting is due mid-December and applies to the following project types:

   Hatch, Hatch-Multistate, Animal Health and Disease, McIntire-Stennis

Acknowledging Support from the USDA NIFA

As a reminder, please acknowledge support from NIFA (competitive grants as well as capacity grants) and the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station (e.g., the state dollars that support faculty salaries) in ALL patents, oral or poster presentations, and publications (peer-reviewed or other reports). Below are suggested templates for these statements. Click here to download the template.

 The Accession Number and Funding Source are located in the top left section of the PDF of your annual progress report in REEport


Hatch (regular) Projects:

This project (or patent) is based on research that was partially supported by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station with funding from the Hatch Act (Accession Number XXXXXXX) through the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Hatch (Multistate) Projects:

This project (or patent) is based on research that was partially supported by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station with funding from the Hatch Multistate Research capacity funding program (Accession Number XXXXXXX) from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

McIntire-Stennis Projects:

This project (or patent) is based on research that was partially supported by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station with funding from the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry capacity funding program (Accession Number XXXXXXX) from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Animal Health and Disease Research (Section 1433) Projects:

This project (or patent) is based on research that was partially supported by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station with funding from the Animal Health and Disease Research (Section 1433) capacity funding program (Accession Number XXXXXXX) from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.


Please use the grant number (20xx-xxxxx-xxxx) and not the proposal number (20xx-xxxxx).


AFRI (Agriculture and Food Research Initiative) Grants:

This project was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Grant number xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, program name program code (e.g., Animal Reproduction, A1211).


Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Grants:

This project was supported by the Small Business Innovative Research Grants Program Grant number xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, program name program code (e.g., Animal Production and Protection, 8.3).

Acknowledging NIFA support elevates public awareness of NIFA’s mission and helps ensure that NIFA receives continued Congressional support to promote important agricultural research projects. In addition, acknowledgment of NIFA support is required for NIFA’s competitive grants. More information is available at:

NIFA Reporting Due Dates Summary (PDF)

USDA-NIFA Summary Chart of Reporting Due Dates

Summary Chart of Due Dates for:Hatch/Hatch MultiState | McIntire-Stennis | Animal HealthUSDA- NIFA Grants and Other NIFA Competitive Funding
Project InitiationMay be submitted at any time.As soon as notification of award is received; start date may be future dated.
Progress ReportDue Mid-DecemberNo later than 90 days after the Anniversary Date. Continuation awards must be submitted BEFORE the anniversary date (usually within 90 days). Check the NIFA award face sheet provisions to verify reporting timelines and requirements.
Final ReportDue Mid-December following project end date. (Can be submitted at any time to terminate project)No later than 90 days after the Anniversary Date. (Can be submitted at any time to terminate project)