Each department, school and interdisciplinary center associated with IANR undergoes a periodic (5 to 7 years) program review. These reviews are designed to facilitate strategic planning and continuous improvement of the unit.
The review consists of
- a self-study,
- a site visit by a team composed of disciplinary experts outside the university and individuals appointed from within the university,
- the site visit team’s report and recommendations and the unit’s response detailing how the information will be used in a way that leads to continuous improvement.
Academic program and center reviews are important elements in visioning and program planning within the unit and IANR. The review helps determine the relevance of current and future programming within the unit, and informs programmatic decisions within IANR and UNL. It also a way of demonstrating accountability for the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Higher Education, accreditation entities, and state and federal government organizations to which we are accountable.
Dr. Héctor Santiago, Assistant Dean/Assistant Director of the Agricultural Research Division, and Dr. Richard Bischoff, IANR Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Academic Leader Success, coordinate all IANR academic program and center reviews. For information contact Dr. Santiago at hsantiago@unl.edu / 402-472-2179.