Year | Awardee | Department | Project Title |
2023 | Mason Rutgers | Agronomy & Horticulture | The effect of soil aggregation state on the accuracy of color-based predictions of soil organic carbon |
2023 | Emily Schulz | Animal Science | Investigation into the Potential Linkage of Maternal Stress in Polypay Ewes with Congenital Heart Conditions in their Lambs using Differential Gene Expression |
2023 | Amber Gadeken | Biochemistry | Characterizing the DNA binding mechanism of PorX in Porphyromonas gingivalis |
2023 | Gabriella Menezes da Silva | Biochemistry | Assessment of The Role of PQC Proteases in the Mdm38 Complex Stability |
2023 | Jordyn Svoboda | Biochemistry | Tyrosine Detoxification Inhibition to Control Hematophagous Zoonotic Disease |
2023 | Olivia Farmen | Biological Systems Engineering | Linear Modeling for Functional Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound |
2023 | Anna Schmit | School of Biological Sciences | Association of Moraxella bovis genotype with geographic location and host factors in United States cattle |
2023 | Ethan Grinder | School of Natural Resources | Characterization of Native Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Nebraska |
2022 | Camden Jones | Biochemistry | Investigation of the Oligomeric State and Function of Potentially Monomeric Transcription Factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
2022 | Edith Ikuze | Entomology | Sorghum resistance to sap-sucking aphids |
2022 | Emily Schultz | Animal Science | Investigation into the Potential Linkage of Maternal Stress in Polypay Ewes with Congenital Heart Conditions in their Lambs using Differential Gene Expression |
2022 | Joseph Oboamah | Biological Systems Engineering | A Low-Cost Camera System for Recognition of Flow Meter Readings at Irrigation Wells |
2022 | Laura Reiling | Animal Science | Evaluate the effects of high-pressure processing (HPP) and lactic acid treatments on quality characteristics of ground pork throughout the retail display. |
2022 | Petra Rose | Vet & Biomedical Sciences | Effect of Maternal Diabetes and Obesity on Fetal Heart Development |
2022 | Ry Steffen | Biological Systems Engineering | Characterizing Sex-based Behavioral Differences Based on Treatment Window in Nanoparticle Treated Mouse Models of Traumatic Brain Injury |
2022 | Yvon Ukwishaka | School of Natural Resources | Understanding Impacts of Soil Microbial Amendment on Corn Planted Soil Chemical Properties in Unsaturated Condition |
2021 | Ashley McMurchie | School of Natural Resources | Adapting Hibernation to Rat Cardiac Ischemia to Solve Donor Organ Shortage |
2021 | Callie McCright | School of Natural Resources | A Biological and Chemical Approach to Restoring Water Quality in Eutrophic Bodies of Water |
2021 | Courtney Nelson | Biological Systems Engineering | How to Effectively Reach Farmers and Assist them in Reaching their Precision Nitrogen Management Goals |
2021 | Erica Schufeldt | Plant Pathology | Immunizing Plants Using a Non-Replicating Virus |
2021 | Huey-Xian Wong | Biochemistry | Elucidation of the Novel Mechanism of WhiB1-Mediated Transcriptional Regulation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
2021 | Innocent Byiringiro | Plant Pathology | Plant parasitic nematode in small holder farms: A case study of Rwanda |
2021 | Jean Damascene Niwenshuti | Biological Systems Engineering | Imaging method to quantify the geometry characteristics of bunk for beef cattle |
2021 | Mark Iradukunda | Agronomy & Horticulture | Influence of Fertilizer on Swollen Stem Formation (“Bulbing”) and Vitamin C Content in Different Kohlrabi Cultivars |
2021 | Mwiza Aline Uwashimimana | Nutrition & Health Sciences | Activation of cellular stress pathway in response to accumulation of 3- hydroxy fatty acids in placental trophoblasts during Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy (AFLP) |
2021 | Olivia Sutherland | Textiles, Merchandise & Fashion Design | The impact of COVID-19 on rural retailing |
2021 | Thomas Hugo | Biochemistry | Copper-Dependent Lipid Metabolism in Cultured Hepatocytes |
2020 | April Johnson | Food Science & Technology | Effects of high-pressure processing (HPP) on color, chemical, and microbial quality of raw meats |
2020 | Audra Hessenflow | School of Biological Sciences | Development and Validation of a Luciferase Immunoprecipitation System against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus |
2020 | Elise Webb | Biochemistry | Abatement of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Using Electrochemical Oxidation. |
2020 | Jillian Power | Nutrition & Health Sciences | Maternal Obesity induces Activation of FoxO Transcription Factors and MicroRNA 34a and Lipoapoptosis in Placental Trophoblast cells |
2020 | Kate Knobbe | Agricultural Economics | The behavior of futures price spreads and its information content in grain markets |
2020 | Kunjan Theodore Joseph | Biological Systems Engineering | Validating a Novel Index for Spatial Frequency Analysis of Human Tendons using Ultrasound |
2020 | Matthew Chen | School of Natural Resources | Human impact on nutrient concentrations and periphyton abundance in the Niobrara River |
2020 | Phuong Minh Tu Le | School of Natural Resources | Bioassessment on Haines Branch of Salt Creek from early to late growing season (April to October) |
2020 | Stefanie Sherman | Agricultural Economics | How do health management protocols align between feedlot producers and veterinarians? |
2020 | Yih Chyuan Looi | Food Science & Technology | Interesterification of Camelina seed oil with sorghum wax |
2019 | Alexa Kapla | Animal Science | Investigating the Genetic Basis of White Markings in Horses |
2019 | Benjamin Downing | School of Natural Resources | Gene Editing of A. thaliana RNA Dependent RNA Pilymerases with CRISPR/Cas9 |
2019 | Claudia Antonika | Plant Pathology | Identification of PRRSV structural proteins capable of inducing protective immunity in pigs |
2019 | Cristian Wulkop Gil | Biochemistry | Fungicide Sensitivity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Isolates Selected from Five States That Use Different Fungicide Treatments |
2019 | Earl Agpawa | Entomology | Characterization of Tolerance Mechanism in Nested Association Mapping Population Against Sugarcane Aphids, Melanaphis sacchari |
2019 | Eric Henning | Biological Systems Engineering | Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Manure and Dedar Mulch Amended soil |
2019 | Heather Hunt | Animal Science | Development of guidelines to ensure the safety of sous vide cooked beef steaks |
2019 | Shalyn Miller | Vet & Biomedical Sciences | Application and validation of Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy method to characterize Moraxella sp. isolated from cattle. |
2019 | Spencer Jones | Biochemistry | The Effects of Iron-Sulfur Clusters on Fluorescent Markers in Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
2019 | Ryley Thomas | Environmental Studies | Remediation strategies to reduce heavy metal uptake in lettuce grown in contaminated community garden soil in Lincoln, NE |
2018 | Blanche Butera | School of Natural Resources | The measure of terrestrial nematode diversity within disturbed agricultural soils and primary forest in the Volcanoes Park in Rwanda |
2018 | Cacey Wilken | School of Natural Resources | Influences on Denitrification and Nutrient Levels in Streams in Nebraska |
2018 | Caitlyn Deal | Vet & Biomedical Sciences | Investigations into the genetic basis of antimicrobial resistance in the bovine respiratory disease pathogen, Histophilus somni |
2018 | Carly Zimmer | Biological Systems Engineering | Integrated Effects of Water Management and Extreme Hydrometeorlogical Events on Streamflow and Nitrate Loads |
2018 | Daisy Guiza Beltran | Biochemistry | Structural and Mechanical Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis WhiB7 in Stress Response and Antibiotic Resistance |
2018 | Elly Glazier | Nutrition & Health Sciences | Stable Nitrogen Isotope Ratos - A Non-Invasive Marker of Protein Breakdown during Weight Loss |
2018 | Ethan Hoffert | Entomology | Evaluation of the effects of cover crops on the infestation rate, yield damage, and pupal development of western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta) in corn fields |
2018 | Holly White | School of Natural Resources | Undergraduate Teaching and Learning about Food, Energy, & Water in CASNR: A Multi-year Study |
2018 | Matthew Greiner | School of Natural Resources | Milkweed Characteristic in Agricultural Land: A focus on Monarch Butterflies' Health |
2018 | Mi Zhou | Nutrition & Health Sciences | Effects of n-3 PUFA Supplementation on Pregnancy-Induced Metabolic Adaptation in Mothers |
2018 | Nghi (Melody) Nguyen | Biochemistry | Determining the role of long non-Coding RNA Crnde in obesity-associated endothelial dysfunction |
2018 | Qiyue Chen | Food Science & Technology | Comparing Three Methods of Papaya and Peach Juice Preservation – Pasteurization, High Pressure Processing (HPP) and Drying into Instant Juice Powder |
2018 | Sydney D'Huyvetter | Agronomy & Horticulture | What Are the Yield and Soil Impacts of No-Till and Row Spacing in Organic Crop Production? |
2018 | Tanisha Talib | Child, Youth & Family Studies | Understanding the Scope of Indian Boarding Schools |
2017 | Alexa Davis | School of Natural Resources | Monitoring Electrical Conductivity in Stream Bed Sediments |
2017 | Alexander Lehmann | Entomology | The Role of Carrion Beetles in Agroecosystems of Western Nebraska |
2017 | Alexander Magsam | Biological Systems Engineering | Quantitative Imaging of Nonoparticles in Traumatic Brain Injusry |
2017 | Alison Bartenslager | Animal Science | Alternative Antibiotics |
2017 | Andrew Schacht | Biochemistry | Structure-Function Studies of WhiB3 in M. tuberculosis |
2017 | Erica Dolph | Biological Systems Engineering | Mobile Platform for Viewing and Transmitting Patient Data- A Transcranial Doppler Pilot Study |
2017 | Jasmine Hanson | School of Biological Sciences | Resistance of Various Strains of Staphylococcus aureus to Hand Sanitizers Due to Thickness of Cell Walls |
2017 | Kara Robbins | Animal Science | Application and Validation of the Matrix-Associated Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight (MALD I-TOF) Mass Spectrometry Method to Identify Moraxella Spp. Isolated From Cattle |
2017 | Patrick Woldstad | Biological Systems Engineering | Modeling Nutrient Loads in an "Agricultural" Watershed of the Upper Mississippi River |
2017 | Raihanah Hassim | Agronomy & Horticulture | What Are the Impacts of Long-Term Tillage Systems on Soil Compaction in Nebraska? |
2017 | Ryan Langemeier | Agronomy & Horticulture | Phenotyping of Root System Architecture Diversity in Corn |
2016 | Aaron Knapp | School of Natural Resources | Genomic approaches to understanding Corn lethal necrosis |
2016 | Allison Porter | Biological Systems Engineering | Extending a Cerebrovascular Pilot Study by Examining Healthy and Concussed Individuals Using a Novel Breath-Holding Index |
2016 | Anthony Pannullo | Biological Sciences | Population Genetic Diversity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Causal Agent of White Mold Disease of Dry Bean, and Implications for Fungicide Resistance / Disease Management |
2016 | Chris Lindeman | Biochemistry | Effect of Maternal Obesity on Muscle Proliferation in the Development of Diabetes in Offspring |
2016 | Colton Roessner | Biochemistry | Investigating the Role of OMA1 Mutations Correlated to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
2016 | Griffin Nuzzo | School of Natural Resources | Mapping permeability distribution in the Platte River Streambed |
2016 | Kristina Zvolanek | Biological Systems Engineering | Cerebral Hemodynamic Pattern Differences in Children with Reading Disabilities- A Transcranial Doppler Pilot Study |
2016 | Matthew Russell | School of Natural Resources | Validating the Cosmic-ray Neuton Method for Estimating Soil Moisture |
2016 | Mikayla Locke | Nutrition & Health Sciences | Identification of Biological Markers of Energy Deficiency in Exercising Men |
2016 | Ngan Hoang | Biochemistry | Regulation of mTOR Growth Pathways by Copper |
2016 | Samuel Taylor | Biochemistry | Evaluation of Compounds that Inhibit Fatty Acid Uptake in Mice |
2015 | Jazmin Castillo | School of Natural Resources | Estimation of Distribution and Abundance of the Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana |
2015 | Yen Ning Chai | Biochemistry | The Relationship between Sweet Sorghum and Nitrogen Fixing Endophytes |
2015 | Elli Dearmont | Animal Science | The Effects of Housing Systems on Stress Levels in Female Chickens |
2015 | Heaven Hulshizer | School of Natural Resources | The Measure of Terrestrial Nematode Diversity in Response to Varying Landscape and Management Practices Made in Restored Prairie Ecosystems |
2015 | Daniel Rico | School of Natural Resources | Toward a Seasonal Agricultural Drought Forecast System |
2015 | Jenna Rifer | Animal Science | Effect of High Androgen Concentrations on Granulosa Cell 17B-Estradiol Production and Expression of CYP419A1, the Enzyme Regulating 17B-Estradiol Synthesis |
2015 | Dallas Williams | School of Natural Resources | What are the Implications of Organic Farming on Soil Physical Environment? |
2015 | Yue Yu | School of Natural Resources | Effects of Antibiotic Uses in Beef Cattle on Antimicrobial Resistance in Live Animals: Systemic Review Approach |
2015 | Alexander Schimitz | Center for Biotechnology | Identification of Endophytic Microorganisms via Cytological Cell Sorting and iChip Culturing |
2015 | Blake Stewart | Mechanical Engineering | Experimental Method of Verifying Vibrational Disturbances and Responses of a Cable Driven Parallel Manipulator |
2015 | Elizabeth Carreiro | Animal Science | Morphological and Functional Analysis of GnRHR2 Knockdown Boar Testes |
2015 | Matt O'Dell | Biochemistry | Determination of the Roles for Copper in Cellular Growth Signaling |
2015 | Tang Wei | School of Natural Resources | Sources of Hydrological Drought Predictability Using the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in Nebraska and California |
2014 | Olivia Sonderman | Plant Pathology | Discovering New Chloroviruses in Nature |
2014 | Tasneem Bouzid | Biological Systems Engineering | Effects of Blood Velocity on Balance Measures |
2014 | Travis Schreier | Biochemistry | Development of an Algorithm for Approaching Combinatorial Drug Treatments on Large-Scale Metabolic Cellular Models |
2014 | Ellie Smith-Eskridge | Agronomy & Horticulture | Assessing he Effects of Water Stress on Early Wheat Growth in Winter Wheat |
2014 | Aaron John Matzke | Biological Systems Engineering | Developing a Heat Transfer Computer Model for Frozen Microwaveable Pepperoni Pizza |
2014 | Mary Klosterman | Animal Science | Gut Microbe and Mammal Host Comparison and Co‐Evolution |
2014 | Whitney Drahota | Child, Youth & Family Studies | Influences on Children’s Knowledge about Nature and Environmental Moral Reasoning |
2014 | James Yong | Biological Systems Engineering | Cost Effective Acoustic Output Measurements for Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound |
2013 | Eric Shuman | Biochemistry | Roles for a Superoxide Dismutase and p53 Tumor Suppressor in Cellular Responses to Copper Limitation |
2013 | Ashley Thelen | Biochemistry | Allosteric Regulation of UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenase |
2013 | Sarah Barnes | Animal Science | Investigation of the Functional Locus that Induces Juvenile Cateract in Mice |
2013 | Tyler Chonis | Biochemistry | Taxonomic Diversity & Characterization of the Enzyme PPDK in Cultivars of Switchgrass |
2013 | Cynthia Nguyen | Food Science & Technology | Determination of Optimal Extraction Methods for Health Promoting Antioxidative Phenols in Cynodon dactylon and Poa supine |
2012 | Amanda Brandt | Animal Science | Implications of Morphology and Gene Expression Differences Due to Obesity on Mail and Female Fertility |
2012 | Nicole Searcey | School of Natural Resources | Moquegua River Valley Mummy Lice Comparative Study |
2012 | Lindsay Leikam | Biochemistry | Effects of Histidine Residue 514 in Ubiquinone Binding in E. coli PutA |
2012 | Iam Parsley | Biological Systems Engineering | Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training |
2012 | Abigail Berkebile | Biochemistry | Structural Analysis of the Active Site of Hyaluronidase I Inhibition of Hyaluronidase I by Semi-Synthetic Glycosaminoglycosan Ether |
2012 | Jessica Erin Fostvedt | Biochemistry | The Development of a Nuclear Expression System Utilizing Various Combinations of mCherry-2A-Gene of Interest Fusions in the Algae Species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
2012 | Matthew Hessel | Biochemistry | Molecular Determinants of the Substrate Specificity ofPca1, a Cadmium-Extruding P1B-type ATPase |
2012 | Steven Wahlmeier | Biochemistry | Partitioning of Carbon into Structural and Non-structural Carbohydrates and Other Metabolites in Switchgrass Tissues using 13C Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry |
2009 | Melissa Steiner | Animal Science | Discovery of the Causative Mutation for the Juvenile Cataract Gene in Mice |
2009 | Robin Easterly | Animal Science | Dissection of Genetic Loci Associated with Sow Reproductive Longevity |
2009 | Jane Tsui | Biochemistry | Characterization of Redox/Gllucocorticoid Signaling in the Hippocampal Neurons of Mice with Inherited Variation in Stress Responses and Anxiety-type Behaviors |
2009 | Heidi Gengenbach | Biological System Engineering | Engineering the Cell-Biomaterial Interface for Nonviral Gene Delivery |
2009 | Allison Mettler | Biological System Engineering | MR and Tissue Engineering |
2009 | Jeffrey Belmont | | Characterization of a Pathogenic Emericella nidulans Isolate |
2008 | Kelsey Swartz | Biochemistry | Hybrid Rubisco Enzymes |
2008 | Joshua Bies | Biochemistry | Identification Characterization of Cadmium Efflux Pump in Aspergillus fumigatas |
2008 | Alisha O'Malley | Biochemistry | Structural Determinations of UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenase |
2008 | Dennis Bierle | Biological System Engineering | Tissue Characterization using Hyperspectral Imaging |
2008 | Lindsey Hofman | Animal Science | Insulin Regulation of Mitotic Kinases and Connexions in Mouse Granulosa Cells |
2008 | Lisa Karel | Biological System Engineering | Regulation of Heart Rate Variability with ECG Biofeedback |