Undergraduate Student Research Program Past Recipients

YearAwardeeDepartmentProject Title
2023Mason RutgersAgronomy & HorticultureThe effect of soil aggregation state on the accuracy of color-based predictions of soil organic carbon
2023Emily SchulzAnimal ScienceInvestigation into the Potential Linkage of Maternal Stress in Polypay Ewes with Congenital Heart Conditions in their Lambs using Differential Gene Expression
2023Amber GadekenBiochemistryCharacterizing the DNA binding mechanism of PorX in Porphyromonas gingivalis
2023Gabriella Menezes da SilvaBiochemistryAssessment of The Role of PQC Proteases in the Mdm38 Complex Stability
2023Jordyn SvobodaBiochemistryTyrosine Detoxification Inhibition to Control Hematophagous Zoonotic Disease
2023Olivia FarmenBiological Systems EngineeringLinear Modeling for Functional Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
2023Anna SchmitSchool of Biological SciencesAssociation of Moraxella bovis genotype with geographic location and host factors in United States cattle
2023Ethan GrinderSchool of Natural ResourcesCharacterization of Native Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Nebraska
2022Camden JonesBiochemistryInvestigation of the Oligomeric State and Function of Potentially Monomeric Transcription Factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2022Edith IkuzeEntomologySorghum resistance to sap-sucking aphids
2022Emily SchultzAnimal ScienceInvestigation into the Potential Linkage of  Maternal Stress in Polypay Ewes with Congenital Heart Conditions in their Lambs using Differential Gene Expression
2022Joseph OboamahBiological Systems EngineeringA Low-Cost Camera System for Recognition of Flow Meter Readings at Irrigation Wells
2022Laura ReilingAnimal ScienceEvaluate the effects of high-pressure processing (HPP) and lactic acid treatments on quality characteristics of ground pork throughout the retail display.
2022Petra RoseVet & Biomedical SciencesEffect of Maternal Diabetes and Obesity on Fetal Heart Development
2022Ry SteffenBiological Systems EngineeringCharacterizing Sex-based Behavioral Differences Based on Treatment Window in Nanoparticle Treated Mouse Models of Traumatic Brain Injury
2022Yvon UkwishakaSchool of Natural ResourcesUnderstanding Impacts of Soil Microbial Amendment on Corn Planted Soil Chemical Properties in Unsaturated Condition
2021Ashley McMurchieSchool of Natural ResourcesAdapting Hibernation to Rat Cardiac Ischemia to Solve Donor Organ Shortage
2021Callie McCrightSchool of Natural ResourcesA Biological and Chemical Approach to Restoring Water Quality in Eutrophic Bodies of Water
2021Courtney NelsonBiological Systems EngineeringHow to Effectively Reach Farmers and Assist them in Reaching their Precision Nitrogen Management Goals
2021Erica SchufeldtPlant PathologyImmunizing Plants Using a Non-Replicating Virus
2021Huey-Xian WongBiochemistryElucidation of the Novel Mechanism of WhiB1-Mediated Transcriptional Regulation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2021Innocent ByiringiroPlant PathologyPlant parasitic nematode in small holder farms: A case study of Rwanda
2021Jean Damascene NiwenshutiBiological Systems EngineeringImaging method to quantify the geometry characteristics of bunk for beef cattle
2021Mark IradukundaAgronomy & HorticultureInfluence of Fertilizer on Swollen Stem Formation (“Bulbing”) and Vitamin C Content in Different Kohlrabi Cultivars
2021Mwiza Aline UwashimimanaNutrition & Health SciencesActivation of cellular stress pathway in response to accumulation of 3- hydroxy fatty acids in placental trophoblasts during Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy (AFLP)
2021Olivia SutherlandTextiles, Merchandise & Fashion DesignThe impact of COVID-19 on rural retailing
2021Thomas HugoBiochemistryCopper-Dependent Lipid Metabolism in Cultured Hepatocytes
2020April JohnsonFood Science & TechnologyEffects of high-pressure processing (HPP) on color, chemical, and microbial quality of raw meats
2020Audra HessenflowSchool of Biological SciencesDevelopment and Validation of a Luciferase Immunoprecipitation System against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
2020Elise WebbBiochemistryAbatement of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Using  Electrochemical Oxidation.
2020Jillian PowerNutrition & Health SciencesMaternal Obesity induces Activation of FoxO Transcription Factors and MicroRNA 34a and Lipoapoptosis in Placental Trophoblast cells
2020Kate KnobbeAgricultural EconomicsThe behavior of futures price spreads and its information content in grain markets
2020Kunjan Theodore JosephBiological Systems EngineeringValidating a Novel Index for Spatial Frequency Analysis of Human Tendons using Ultrasound
2020Matthew ChenSchool of Natural ResourcesHuman impact on nutrient concentrations and periphyton abundance in the Niobrara River
2020Phuong Minh Tu LeSchool of Natural ResourcesBioassessment on Haines Branch of Salt Creek from early to late growing season (April to October)
2020Stefanie ShermanAgricultural EconomicsHow do health management protocols align between feedlot producers and veterinarians?
2020Yih Chyuan LooiFood Science & TechnologyInteresterification of Camelina seed oil with sorghum wax
2019Alexa KaplaAnimal ScienceInvestigating the Genetic Basis of White Markings in Horses
2019Benjamin DowningSchool of Natural ResourcesGene Editing of A. thaliana RNA Dependent RNA Pilymerases with CRISPR/Cas9
2019Claudia AntonikaPlant PathologyIdentification of PRRSV structural proteins capable of inducing protective immunity in pigs
2019Cristian Wulkop GilBiochemistryFungicide Sensitivity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Isolates Selected from Five States That Use Different Fungicide Treatments
2019Earl AgpawaEntomologyCharacterization of Tolerance Mechanism in Nested Association Mapping Population Against Sugarcane Aphids, Melanaphis sacchari
2019Eric HenningBiological Systems EngineeringCarbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Manure and Dedar Mulch Amended soil
2019Heather HuntAnimal ScienceDevelopment of guidelines to ensure the safety of sous vide cooked beef steaks
2019Shalyn MillerVet & Biomedical SciencesApplication and validation of Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy method to characterize Moraxella sp. isolated from cattle.
2019Spencer JonesBiochemistryThe Effects of Iron-Sulfur Clusters on Fluorescent Markers in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2019Ryley ThomasEnvironmental StudiesRemediation strategies to reduce heavy metal uptake in lettuce grown in contaminated community garden soil in Lincoln, NE
2018Blanche ButeraSchool of Natural ResourcesThe measure of terrestrial nematode diversity within disturbed agricultural soils and primary forest in the Volcanoes Park in Rwanda
2018Cacey WilkenSchool of Natural ResourcesInfluences on Denitrification and Nutrient Levels in Streams in Nebraska
2018Caitlyn DealVet & Biomedical SciencesInvestigations into the genetic basis of antimicrobial resistance in the bovine respiratory disease pathogen, Histophilus somni
2018Carly ZimmerBiological Systems EngineeringIntegrated Effects of Water Management and Extreme Hydrometeorlogical Events on Streamflow and Nitrate Loads
2018Daisy Guiza BeltranBiochemistryStructural and Mechanical Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis WhiB7 in Stress Response and Antibiotic Resistance
2018Elly GlazierNutrition & Health SciencesStable Nitrogen Isotope Ratos - A Non-Invasive Marker of Protein Breakdown during Weight Loss
2018Ethan HoffertEntomologyEvaluation of the effects of cover crops on the infestation rate, yield damage, and pupal development of western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta) in corn fields
2018Holly WhiteSchool of Natural ResourcesUndergraduate Teaching and Learning about Food, Energy, & Water in CASNR: A Multi-year Study
2018Matthew GreinerSchool of Natural ResourcesMilkweed Characteristic in Agricultural Land: A focus on Monarch Butterflies' Health
2018Mi ZhouNutrition & Health SciencesEffects of n-3 PUFA Supplementation on Pregnancy-Induced Metabolic Adaptation in Mothers
2018Nghi (Melody) NguyenBiochemistryDetermining the role of long non-Coding RNA Crnde in obesity-associated endothelial dysfunction
2018Qiyue ChenFood Science & TechnologyComparing Three Methods of Papaya and Peach Juice Preservation – Pasteurization, High Pressure Processing (HPP) and Drying into Instant Juice Powder
2018Sydney D'HuyvetterAgronomy & HorticultureWhat Are the Yield and Soil Impacts of No-Till and Row Spacing in Organic Crop Production?
2018Tanisha TalibChild, Youth & Family StudiesUnderstanding the Scope of Indian Boarding Schools
2017Alexa DavisSchool of Natural ResourcesMonitoring Electrical Conductivity in Stream Bed Sediments
2017Alexander LehmannEntomologyThe Role of Carrion Beetles in Agroecosystems of Western Nebraska
2017Alexander MagsamBiological Systems EngineeringQuantitative Imaging of Nonoparticles in Traumatic Brain Injusry
2017Alison BartenslagerAnimal ScienceAlternative Antibiotics
2017Andrew SchachtBiochemistryStructure-Function Studies of WhiB3 in M. tuberculosis
2017Erica DolphBiological Systems EngineeringMobile Platform for Viewing and Transmitting Patient Data- A Transcranial Doppler Pilot Study
2017Jasmine HansonSchool of Biological SciencesResistance of Various Strains of Staphylococcus aureus to Hand Sanitizers Due to Thickness of Cell Walls
2017Kara RobbinsAnimal ScienceApplication and Validation of the Matrix-Associated Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight (MALD I-TOF) Mass Spectrometry Method to Identify Moraxella Spp. Isolated From Cattle
2017Patrick WoldstadBiological Systems EngineeringModeling Nutrient Loads in an "Agricultural" Watershed of the Upper Mississippi River
2017Raihanah HassimAgronomy & HorticultureWhat Are the Impacts of Long-Term Tillage Systems on Soil Compaction in Nebraska?
2017Ryan LangemeierAgronomy & HorticulturePhenotyping of Root System Architecture Diversity in Corn
2016Aaron KnappSchool of Natural ResourcesGenomic approaches to understanding Corn lethal necrosis
2016Allison PorterBiological Systems EngineeringExtending a Cerebrovascular Pilot Study by Examining Healthy and Concussed Individuals Using a Novel Breath-Holding Index
2016Anthony PannulloBiological SciencesPopulation Genetic Diversity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Causal Agent of White Mold Disease of Dry Bean, and Implications for Fungicide Resistance / Disease Management
2016Chris LindemanBiochemistryEffect of Maternal Obesity on Muscle Proliferation in the Development of Diabetes in Offspring
2016Colton RoessnerBiochemistryInvestigating the Role of OMA1 Mutations Correlated to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
2016Griffin NuzzoSchool of Natural ResourcesMapping permeability distribution in the Platte River Streambed
2016Kristina ZvolanekBiological Systems EngineeringCerebral Hemodynamic Pattern Differences in Children with Reading Disabilities- A Transcranial Doppler Pilot Study
2016Matthew RussellSchool of Natural ResourcesValidating the Cosmic-ray Neuton Method for Estimating Soil Moisture
2016Mikayla LockeNutrition & Health SciencesIdentification of Biological Markers of Energy Deficiency in Exercising Men
2016Ngan HoangBiochemistryRegulation of mTOR Growth Pathways by Copper
2016Samuel TaylorBiochemistryEvaluation of Compounds that Inhibit Fatty Acid Uptake in Mice
2015Jazmin CastilloSchool of Natural ResourcesEstimation of Distribution and Abundance of the Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana
2015Yen Ning ChaiBiochemistryThe Relationship between Sweet Sorghum and Nitrogen Fixing Endophytes
2015Elli DearmontAnimal ScienceThe Effects of Housing Systems on Stress Levels in Female Chickens
2015Heaven HulshizerSchool of Natural ResourcesThe Measure of Terrestrial Nematode Diversity in Response to Varying Landscape and Management Practices Made in Restored Prairie Ecosystems
2015Daniel RicoSchool of Natural ResourcesToward a Seasonal Agricultural Drought Forecast System
2015Jenna RiferAnimal ScienceEffect of High Androgen Concentrations on Granulosa Cell 17B-Estradiol Production and Expression of CYP419A1, the Enzyme Regulating 17B-Estradiol Synthesis
2015Dallas WilliamsSchool of Natural ResourcesWhat are the Implications of Organic Farming on Soil Physical Environment?
2015Yue YuSchool of Natural ResourcesEffects of Antibiotic Uses in Beef Cattle on Antimicrobial Resistance in Live Animals: Systemic Review Approach
2015Alexander SchimitzCenter for BiotechnologyIdentification of Endophytic Microorganisms via Cytological Cell Sorting and iChip Culturing
2015Blake StewartMechanical EngineeringExperimental Method of Verifying Vibrational Disturbances and Responses of a Cable Driven Parallel Manipulator
2015Elizabeth CarreiroAnimal ScienceMorphological and Functional Analysis of GnRHR2 Knockdown Boar Testes
2015Matt O'DellBiochemistryDetermination of the Roles for Copper in Cellular Growth Signaling
2015Tang WeiSchool of Natural ResourcesSources of Hydrological Drought Predictability Using the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in Nebraska and California
2014Olivia SondermanPlant PathologyDiscovering New Chloroviruses in Nature
2014Tasneem BouzidBiological Systems EngineeringEffects of Blood Velocity on Balance Measures
2014Travis SchreierBiochemistryDevelopment of an Algorithm for Approaching Combinatorial Drug Treatments on Large-Scale Metabolic Cellular Models
2014Ellie Smith-EskridgeAgronomy & HorticultureAssessing he Effects of Water Stress on Early Wheat Growth in Winter Wheat
2014Aaron John MatzkeBiological Systems EngineeringDeveloping a Heat Transfer Computer Model for Frozen Microwaveable Pepperoni Pizza
2014Mary KlostermanAnimal ScienceGut Microbe and Mammal Host Comparison and Co‐Evolution
2014Whitney DrahotaChild, Youth & Family StudiesInfluences on Children’s Knowledge about Nature and Environmental Moral Reasoning
2014James YongBiological Systems EngineeringCost Effective Acoustic Output Measurements for Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
2013Eric ShumanBiochemistryRoles for a Superoxide Dismutase and p53 Tumor Suppressor in Cellular Responses to Copper Limitation
2013Ashley ThelenBiochemistryAllosteric Regulation of UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenase
2013Sarah BarnesAnimal ScienceInvestigation of the Functional Locus that Induces Juvenile Cateract in Mice
2013Tyler ChonisBiochemistryTaxonomic Diversity & Characterization of the Enzyme PPDK in Cultivars of Switchgrass
2013Cynthia NguyenFood Science & TechnologyDetermination of Optimal Extraction Methods for Health Promoting Antioxidative Phenols in Cynodon dactylon and Poa supine
2012Amanda BrandtAnimal ScienceImplications of Morphology and Gene Expression Differences Due to Obesity on Mail and Female Fertility
2012Nicole SearceySchool of Natural ResourcesMoquegua River Valley Mummy Lice Comparative Study
2012Lindsay LeikamBiochemistryEffects of Histidine Residue 514 in Ubiquinone Binding in E. coli PutA
2012Iam ParsleyBiological Systems EngineeringHeart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training
2012Abigail BerkebileBiochemistryStructural Analysis of the Active Site of Hyaluronidase I Inhibition of Hyaluronidase I by Semi-Synthetic Glycosaminoglycosan Ether
2012Jessica Erin FostvedtBiochemistryThe Development of a Nuclear Expression System Utilizing Various Combinations of mCherry-2A-Gene of Interest Fusions in the Algae Species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
2012Matthew HesselBiochemistryMolecular Determinants of the Substrate Specificity ofPca1, a Cadmium-Extruding P1B-type ATPase
2012Steven WahlmeierBiochemistryPartitioning of Carbon into Structural and Non-structural Carbohydrates and Other Metabolites in Switchgrass Tissues using 13C Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
2009Melissa SteinerAnimal ScienceDiscovery of the Causative Mutation for the Juvenile Cataract Gene in Mice
2009Robin EasterlyAnimal ScienceDissection of Genetic Loci Associated with Sow Reproductive Longevity
2009Jane TsuiBiochemistryCharacterization of Redox/Gllucocorticoid Signaling in the Hippocampal Neurons of Mice with Inherited Variation in Stress Responses and Anxiety-type Behaviors
2009Heidi GengenbachBiological System EngineeringEngineering the Cell-Biomaterial Interface for Nonviral Gene Delivery
2009Allison MettlerBiological System EngineeringMR and Tissue Engineering
2009Jeffrey Belmont Characterization of a Pathogenic Emericella nidulans Isolate
2008Kelsey SwartzBiochemistryHybrid Rubisco Enzymes
2008Joshua BiesBiochemistryIdentification Characterization of Cadmium Efflux Pump in Aspergillus fumigatas
2008Alisha O'MalleyBiochemistryStructural Determinations of UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenase
2008Dennis BierleBiological System EngineeringTissue Characterization using Hyperspectral Imaging
2008Lindsey HofmanAnimal ScienceInsulin Regulation of Mitotic Kinases and Connexions in Mouse Granulosa Cells
2008Lisa KarelBiological System EngineeringRegulation of Heart Rate Variability with ECG Biofeedback