Liana Calegare, Ph.D.
Coordinator Agricultural Research Division University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Agricultural Communications Building (ACB) 3
Lincoln NE 68583-0704, - Phone
- Identifies opportunities for international collaboration through research, extension, and capacity building efforts; provides support for the formation of transdisciplinary teams to prepare project proposals.
- Leads efforts to develop, implement, and coordinate federal funded capacity building programs, such as USDA-FAS Scientific Exchanges, Borlaug Fellowship, and Cochran Programs.
- Leverage partnerships with Global Centers of Excellence in Agriculture and National and Global Networks.
- Assists and coordinates visits of international delegations, with focus on connecting IANR faculty to visiting scientists in their area of interest.
- Administers the International Impact Awards: FAPESP SPRINT, seed grants to implement and/or strengthen international collaborations, and travel awards.