Hatch-Multistate Funding

FFY2025 Hatch Multistate Funding Timeline of Events (For NIFA approved Multistate Projects that will start October 1, 2024)
Time FrameLinks & Downloads
Request for Applications ReleasedJanuary 29, 2025FFY2026 Multistate RFA
Funding Application DueMay 9, 2025 11:59 PM CSTNuRamp
Projects reviewed by ARD for Funding RecommendationTBA 
Approved Projects Start (Project Initiation Process and NIFA approvals must be completed prior to December 31, 2024 to receive full funding)October 1, 2025USDA NRS Project Initiation Guidelines (PDF)
Contact Information
Multistate Hatch Projects
Hector Santiago, Assistant Dean, Agricultural Research Division (ARD) and Assistant Director, Nebraska Ag Experiment Station (NAES)

Project Initiation and Annual Reporting
Jen Fox, Data Management Specialist

  • REEport and NIMSS Point of Contact
  • NIFA Project Initiation and Annual Reporting

Program Overview

Approximately 25 percent of the Hatch Act funds provided to the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station (NEAES) are set aside to support multistate research activities. We encourage faculty to participate in Multistate (regional) Research Projects that benefit Nebraska and its citizens. Multistate projects are similar to Hatch-regular projects, but involve a team of investigators associated with several State Agricultural Experiment Stations working together to solve complex scientific problems of regional or national interest.  Funds obtained for Multistate Projects are used to provide travel expenses for attendance of official NEAES representatives at annual meetings of multi-state research projects (NE, NC, S or W), coordinating committees/information exchange groups (NCR, SIEG, etc.), administrative committees (NCA, etc) or proposal development committees (NCT, etc). Programmatic funding for operations/supplies, graduate student and technical support may also be provided during years 3-5 of a multistate project. 

PLEASE NOTE: Participation in a Multistate Committee registered thru the NIMSS system via an Appendix-E does not make a faculty member Hatch salary funding eligible nor guarantee Multistate programmatic funding.

Unallowable Expenses

The overall guiding principal is:  All costs must be necessary to meet the project objectives and meet State of Nebraska and USDA expenditure guidelines. Click here to download a list of unallowable expenses. (docx)

Funding Programs

Travel/Meeting Participation Funding

The NEAES will generally support reasonable travel expenses for one ARD-affiliated UNL investigator to the annual meeting of any Multistate Research Project, National Research Support Project, Coordinating Committee, Education/Extension and Research Activity, Development Committee, or Advisory Committee (Dept. Head Meetings). Faculty must be official members of the Committee (listed in Appendix E) to be eligible for Multistate Travel funding.

Programmatic Funding

(Proposals must be received and routed in NUramp by 11:59pm CST May 15, 2024- see timeline above for more information)

Programmatic funding will be available for Multistate Research Projects (NC, NE, S, or W -xxx) or National Research Support Projects (NRSP -xx). Programmatic funding is not available for CC, ERA, DC, or AC type projects. Multistate Research Projects are governed by a five-year plan of work approved by the region and the USDA NIFA. New national-project outlines, within the North Central (NC) or other applicable national regions, are due to the regional office for review by mid-December with a potential start-date the following October (the other regions have slightly different review schedules, but most projects start and end with the federal fiscal year). If ARD faculty want to receive programmatic funds during the approved project funding cycle (usually 5 years) in addition to funding to travel to the annual multistate committee meeting, they must submit an application for Hatch Multistate Funding of the year in which approval for the new project is expected. In addition, ARD faculty may submit a new or revised application for Hatch Multistate Funding during the first or second year of a multistate project—this application would request funding for the remaining three to four years of the national five-year Multistate Research Project.  Fiscal Year 2025 applications will not be considered for national Multistate Research Committees that started prior to October 1, 2022.

How to search for a Multistate Committee: 
  • National Information Management and Support System (NIMSS) 
    (Check/Explore project topics and termination dates) www.nimss.org
  • At NIMSS home page, click on "Search"
  • On the search page, if you know the project number, type it in and click on “Search”
  • Click on the appropriate project title, once the project loads click on "Outline" to see the termination date.

If you want to explore various projects:

  • At NIMSS home page, click on "Search"
  • On the search page, type in a search word within the project title box (such as, “Swine”, “Soybean”, “Disease”)
  • Click – search
  • Click on Project Number for more information.
  • To read the entire project outline – click on “outline”
  • To view the participants of this committee, click on “Appendix E”
Have questions or need more information?

Call the ARD office (402-472-7082) or email Jen Fox (jmcmahon10@unl.edu)

ARD Expiring Projects

Regional Multistate Associations