The East Campus Greenhouses are located on the North side of East Campus. There are several different greenhouse areas available for use.
The North Greenhouse Complex has 23 main research greenhouses with over 60 bays located throughout the houses. Each bay has computer controlled temperature and light settings which can be adjusted based on project needs. Most of the bays have supplemental lighting using High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights or Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. Cooling for the greenhouses is achieved by use of evaporative pads or by chilled water cooling.
There are eleven Walk-In Growth Chambers that have HID lights and are set up for tall plant growth. Three of the chambers can add to the ambient CO2 levels and one chamber can reduce the ambient CO2 levels.
Nine Reach-In Chambers are available and amenities vary per chamber but may include additive humidity and/or florescent or LED lights. Three basic Hoop Greenhouse are also available for projects that do not require more precision heating and cooling.
Next to Plant Science Hall are the Teaching Greenhouses which are available for class projects, clubs, etc. Both full service and minimal service options are available at all Greenhouse Complexes.
Extra services can be added at an hourly rate. Two root washing stations are available as well. Access to the greenhouse area is by card access.
A Greenhouse Orientation and Worker Protection Safety Training (WPS) is required before access is granted. A request form is required before a project can begin.
For any questions or if you are a new user, please contact Jeff Witkowski ( or Donn Ladd (, Greenhouse Managers.

Pesticide Application Days
- AHG2, AHG4 spray days are as needed.
- Plant Pathology Greenhouse spray day is Friday morning. Please see postings for exact rooms to be treated.