City & East Campus Services

Service Level Descriptions

Users can select the service level (Full or Minimum) that they would like to use, which is defined below.

Minimum Service Includes:

Standard soil mixes– all preparation & pasteurization, Standard fertilizer, Standard pots, Pot washing, Autoclaving, Composting, Pest Control, Routine maintenance, Cleaning floor drains, Weeding, Trash & recycling, Cleaning & sterilizing, & Supplies for common activities – labels, tape, markers, etc.

Full Service Includes:

All services in Minimum Service, plus: Planting – basic, Dividing, Watering, Fertilizing, Upshifting/transplanting, Staking (excludes camelina & arabidopsis). Harvesting (excludes camelina & arabidopsis) – research project dependent – See Greenhouse Manager.

*A fee of $16.39 per hour will be assessed for any services not normally provided under the maintenance categories above. For those categorized as “Minimal Service”, examples include potting, watering, fertilizing, upshifting, weeding and staking. For either category, examples include specialized potting or fertility regimes, seed collection, special autoclaving, and cleanup in excess of “usual”. Services may be requested in advance or applied at the discretion of the Manager where it is determined necessary or in the best interest of research plants (Manager will seek preapproval in all cases). 

*Faculty requiring special cultural conditions (including restrictive photoperiod and/or temperature, isolated pest or pathogen research, non-standard cultural methods, etc.) which prohibit shared use of any greenhouse bench, bay or growth chamber may be assessed fees for the entire bench, bay or chamber and should budget accordingly. The Greenhouse Director will consult with the Plant Growth Facilities Faculty Advisory Committee and/or Committee Chair in cases where circumstances warrant applying such charges.

*All materials and services are for greenhouse facilities (i.e. services & supplies are not for field use).