The Beadle Center Greenhouses are located on the UNL City Campus adjacent to the George W. Beadle Center which makes it convenient for users to have greenhouse and growth chambers spaces in the same building as their labs and classrooms.
There are 4 main greenhouses with 4 bays in each greenhouse (total 16 bays). Each bay has specific temperatures, different height benches, and High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights based on the type of crop grown. One greenhouse is equipped with Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. Cooling for the greenhouses at the Beadle Center is achieved solely by use of evaporative pads which means that summer temperatures can be cooled to roughly 10 degrees F cooler than the outside air temperature.
There are nine Walk-In Growth Chambers including one Seed Cooler and one Tissue Culture Chamber. Some Walk-in Chambers have HID lights for are set up for tall plant growth and some Walk-in chambers have florescent lights and are set up to grow arabidopsis.
Seventeen Reach-In Chambers are available and amenities vary per chamber but may include additive humidity, dehumidification, florescent, HID, or LED lights.
Both full service and minimal service options are available. Extra services can be added at a hourly rate. A spacious work area for planting, transplanting, harvesting, etc. is available for use by paid users.
Access to the greenhouse area is by card access. Access to the greenhouse area is by combination door locks. A Greenhouse Orientation and Worker Protection Safety Training (WPS) is required before access is granted. A project request form is required before a project can begin.
For any questions or if you are a new user, please contact Samantha Link, Greenhouse Manager (

- Pesticide Application Days – Thursday afternoons from 3:30-6:30pm. Please see postings for exact rooms to be treated.